Tell me about the last movie you saw....

The armored personnel carriers? Racing through the streets just like the mining colony on LV 426? The baddies even jump on the roof and punch out the windshield. The baddy falling off and getting crushed by the APC didn't look familiar? And finally the APC crash sequence is a frame for frame ripoff of the scene in 'Aliens' in which Ripley crashes her APC. The APC's look so much alike I kept waiting for them to show Ripley, Gorman, Burke, Hicks and Newt exiting as they climbed in.

I did see a little '28 Days Later' but far more of the others I mentioned - 'Escape from New York', 'The Road Warrior' with a little 'Mad Max' mixed in, and the 'Aliens' sequence. Thinking about it, it was kind of fun trying to remember where each scene of this movie was lifted from.......

I don't remember Aliens all that much except for the "inside the space ship chasing multi-mouth around" stuff.

But the whole virus thing was a huge point of the movie... Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, etc... I thought that was the biggest thing to compare against other movies.