Why You Should Hate the Treasury Bailout Proposal

Well, I think you're over-generalizing quite a bit.

I don't know of any lender, any subprime lender at the time, that would not pull a credit report. Also, I don't know of any lender that would lend to someone with no job.


I am over-generalizing but a simple google search will get you plenty of no credit check lenders...


<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function google_ad_request_done(google_ads) { var s = ''; var i; if(google_ads.length == 0) { return; } s += 'Ads by Google
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<!-- google_ad_section_start --> "There are many reasons you may need a no credit check mortgage. Some of the most popular reasons you may need such a mortgage are having no verifiable income, or having a great income, but poor credit score or no credit history. If you have your own business, especially if it’s fairly new, you may have a very high income, but you may not have either the income history or documentation required by most mortgage lenders. The same is true if you did very well in investments at an early age or are a professional athlete early in your career. What are you supposed to do? Unless you have enough cash on hand to actually purchase a property outright, you’re going to need a mortgage. Unfortunately, many mortgage lenders won’t give you the time of day unless you can verify your income and credit history. If you don’t have either, you’ll be out of luck.
Fear not, there is hope if you want a mortgage but don’t want to get a credit check first. It won’t be as easy as running to your neighborhood bank or mortgage broker, but you’ll be able to get that mortgage and purchase your house. You will probably have to do more legwork to find a mortgage lender that is willing to loan money to you without performing a credit check."


Also, I know when I bought my home there were several lenders that were trying to push me into more house than I could afford. My favorite line was....

"You might might be able to afford it now but you do expect to make more money over the life of the loan, don't you?"

I quickly got a fixed loan for a home in my price range and watched several friends get "no-interest"/ARM,'s or other loans for homes in the 350k range (DC/Maryland) that they can no longer afford.