I've Been Accused of being Liberal. Okay I'm laying my cards on the table
Gun Control - A man should have the right to defend himself and his household and his community if need be.
Gay marriage/abortion - I have no idea how these are lumped together. Gays ought to have the same rights as straight people. Women should be able to decide whether or not they want an abortion, up to the point where a fetus is viable. At that point, no abortions unless the mother's life is at risk.
Church and State - the state should make no mention of any god or deity. It isn't their place and it's discriminatory against intelligent people.
Taxes - Pay down the debt. Get rid of corporate welfare. Eliminate most farm subsidies that keep the giant agribusinesses milking us.
Foreign Policy - screw the rest of the world. They want our money, but not our influence, so let's give them neither. Invest in America first and deal with other nations only in economic terms. Also, expel the UN from the country and tear the building down and build a giant monument of Dubya mooning Europe.
Education - Extend the school year. We are behind in terms of education in this country and it is due in large part to the ridiculously short school year and the very low expectations we put on students. We need standards, period, and we need to look at more charter schools and competitive enrollment.
Trade - free trade but equal tariffs on any goods from other countries.
Welfare - The support structure needs to begin when the kids are small. Food stamps alone are not going to condition children to leave those environments.
Campaign Finance - Only US citizens should be able to donate to campaigns. No foreigners, no corporations, no PACs, period. You want influence with a representative? Influence them with your ideas, not your money.
Death Penalty - against it. 3 reasons.
1. The US state and federal governments should not have the right to put its own citizens to death, short of treason.
2. There are too many cases out there where the convicted person is actually innocent but had poor representation due to their financial situation or circumstantial evidence
3. If the bastid did do the crime, he shouldn't get out that easy.
Social Security - it is what it is, so convert it from a "retirement fund" to a full blown social program and eliminate the cap. It hasn't been a retirement fund in years, so why continue to pretend?
Energy - I believe in investing in viable methods for extracting energy from our environment. If that means clean coal or nuclear, so be it.
Environment - say no to environmentalism, but yes to conservation.
Immigration - simple: you hire illegals, you lose your business, your business assets get auctioned off at the sheriff's sale, and you lose your license to conduct business for 2 years. Additionally, we should invest the money into job training for US citizens. I also support a reduction in H1-B visas.
Civil Liberties - the government already has more ability to snoop than they ought to. I'm against any law that erodes our ability to conduct our lives in a private manner.