Church and State: Separate. Against federal funding for faith-based charities. Churches tha become too political must be cracked down on by the IRS.
Taxes: Do away with payroll taxes. I think even the poor should pay some tax, as it gives them an incentive about how that money is spent (ergo, they will be more prone to be involved in government and to vote)
Foreign Policy: Speak softly and carry a big stick Implement a phased withdrawal from Iraq that gets our troops out in 2 years.
Education: Handle at state level. Department of Education should exist but only as advisory board. If state wide testing is done per subject and has any effect on graduation, it shoudl replace any final exams for that course.
Free Trade: Complicated issue. America workers are not competing on an equal footing with foreign workers, since foreing workders can be paid much less and have same standard of living since everything is cheaper. Also in many countires legal protections such unions, overtime and child labor laws are non existent.
Welfare: Support. Eliminate fraud.
Campaign Finance: Ban companies that contribute from being awarded government contracts. Some sort of free network TV and radio time for candidates that generate sufficient popular interest buy appearing on state ballot. Then ban all over TV and/or radio ads.
Death Penalty: Against, except in cases when iincarceration is not possible and convict is likely to kill again. It is not a deterrent and there is chance you can execute an innoncent. Basically the Pope's postion.