I missed this thread the first time so I stole Severum's format and changed my answers where appropriate.
Gun Control: Limit felons from owning guns but otherwise I have no issues with people owning whatever they want. The right to bear arms was not meant strictly for hunting so assault rifles are fine with me.
Gay Marriage: Equal rights for everyone.
Abortion: Personally, I couldn't do it but fortunately I would never have to. It isn't my right to tell others that they can't. Legalize it and make sex education mandatory.
Church and State: remove it and keep it out.
Taxes: Complete rework of the current situation. Close all corporate tax shelters and institute a consumption based tax system.
Foreign Policy: stop being the world's police, withdraw from Iraq ASAP.
Education: Get away from test based teaching. Much more funding for education of sciences and mathematics. Move towards a more goal oriented system that would tailor the educational path to a specific career goal earlier.
Trade: Free trade with economic partners that offer us the same courtesy. They issue tariffs on our exports then we issue tariffs on their imports.
Welfare: WIC, unemployment, food stamps are all fine. Limit the time frame for receiving welfare and require job training.
Campaign Finance: fully public campaign finance, restrict 527s/PACs.
Death Penalty: Doesn't serve a purpose other than vengeance but I am okay with that in some cases.
Social Security: Privatize it.
Energy: Throw serious money at alternative research. Move to a complete nuclear/wind/hydroelectric/geothermal system ASAP. Require a reduction in horsepower and an increase in fuel efficiency for the majority of vehicles and invest in alternative fuel research. Preferably and alternative fuel that is not corn based like Brazil's sugar cane ethanol.
Environment: Natural resources should be used in a responsible and renewable manner. I don't think protecting a sub-species of critter should be placed above the well being of humans though.
Immigration: The money currently being spent on closing borders could be better spent elsewhere. There should be stiff penalties for employing illegal aliens that are harshly enforced but it should be very easy to become a legal alien. Anyone that wants to come work here and pay their consumption taxes is welcome but they must be willing to do it legally.
Civil Liberties: Tricky issue for me because it is such a slippery slope. I understand that there are some liberties that will be sacrificed in the name of public safety but we are currently taking it entirely too far. We should never be afraid of our government.
Health Care: I would love universal health care but I don't trust our government to pull it off. Until I can see a plan that would work the entire insurance industry needs to be reworked.
Drug Policy: Legalize marijuana and tax the hell out of it.