Moral Relativism

Context, Jim, Context. thats the thing to consider about all of you said. Morality is sometimes what we make it in this world and maybe the next one.

Take Thomas Jefferson for example and Robert Byrd, for example. Both men are considered great for different reasons, one was a founding father of our country and one was an KKK recruiter, sure one could say that they are both bad men and deserve scrutiny, but lets take a look at the whole picture, Sure I could look the bad things you may have done in your life Jim and say you are a despicable awful human being and have nothing to do wiht you, but what the rest of you, the good things you may have done, the people you may have helped?
Its all about the context and the circumstances, man that defines us as human beings. Yes Morality exists but the sitautions defines it, whta we do in our own makes who we are and can make us be seen as bad or good in moral terms.