Moral Relativism

That is more in line with what I think Mayberry Saint. I don;t believe their are any "moral properties" out in the world like there are physical properties. Morality is relative to the society and time and other things. I am just trying to see and hear a defense from those who are talking about the decline of "Absolutes" and criticizing the "moral relativists."

Oh what the heck, I'll give it a shot. I'm not sure if I believe this fully or not, but here goes:

What if those who believe in moral absolutes argue that morality is essentially some sort of combination of Platonic and Kantian Metaphysics/Epistemology? What I mean is there are moral absolutes that really exist, it's just that we can not fully understand them. All we see are the shadows of those absolutes and we slowly come to learn them over time, but may never see the real absolute morality. We see morality differently at different times because of the evolution of the type of people that we are.