Communter Rail between NOLA and Baton Rouge

It's not New Orleans and Baton Rouge that are the issue; it's the area in between. Southeast Louisiana ought to be doing a lot of its growth along the river anyway. Eventually, you can put an airport in between, and in about 20 years, even if the rail runs at a (tolerable) loss, you've put in the backbone of a 70-mile metroplex between Baton Rouge and New Orleans as BR grows southward and New Orleans grows up river.

If done properly, this could be part of an infrastructure to support such a thing. But it would take forward thinking, which means the old rail system is a no-no. If done with the efficiency and speed of a European train system, this could be legit. Imagine a train that leaves every hour, on the hour, between BR and NOLA. Or even a high speed train to take you to and from Houston within 3 hours.