Cakewalk Crowd Abandons Bush

It just seems that when you rail against the neocons, you do so with a broad brush, making generalized, bordering on ad hominen, attacks; as opposed to your criticisms of Israel, which, while quite frequent, are typically very specific.

I am in agreement with the Baker-Hamilton commission, Tony Blair and now the new UN Secretary General that the key to stabilizing the Middle East is finally, once and for all, dealing with the Israeli-Arab conflict.

Ask yourself honestly why this is not happening.

All the major Arab governments have offered to recognize Israel and sign a formal peace if the Israelis end the occupation and settlement of Arab territory. The Syrians want the Golan Heights back and will make peace in exchange.

Only a ragtag group like Hamas still refuses to recognize Israel. If you actually listen to them in detail, they say they refuse to recognize Israel as it currently stands, extending outside the 1967 borders of Israel and settling Arab land.

But Hamas leaves open recognition of an Israel within the 1967 borders, which is a way of saying the settlement of the West Bank must end.

So, there is plenty of room to bargain between Israel and Hamas but the hardcore elements on both sides refuse.,7340,L-3341534,00.html

Still, Israel ignores all these overtures.

I am hard on the neoconservatives for sure because, since the majority of them are Zionists, I can not tell whether they are in this for America or Israel. All their war advice seems to be perfectly consistent with Israeli interests, but counter to the long term interests of America.....