Moral Relativism


My vacuum point is this: Your quote clearly suggests that morality doesn't exist. Adn if morality doesn't exist and you are dealing in absolutes then there is no corresponding immorality. .

This is where I get lost. I am talking about things that exist. When I say "absolute" I mean something like - "a moral property that has objective existence in the world that is not relative to time, place, or the existence of ther things like human beings." So if I am saying those things don;t exist then how I am I "dealing in" them? I would agree that if you are committed to saying moral properties don;t exist then it stand to reason that means essentially that immoral properties do not exist.

Is the absolute you are trying to discuss a standard that we can pick up at Barnes and Noble? Which, it seems, everybody agrees there isn't.

Or is your absolute that "morality does not exist in the world"?

From you last post, I'm gathering your absolute is the former. That said, regardless whether it's relative or absolute, it (a presumed act) is something. Regardless of whether we call it morality or immorality or a cucumber, it (the act) is something upon which various judgments will be made.

And again, if your absolute is the Barnes and Noble book of moral behavior standards, then I think we all agree with each other that this doesn't exist.

I am not sure what a "standard" is that can be picked up at a Barnes & Noble. I know that you can pick up books, calendars, coffee, magazines and other things there, so in some sense - yes, that is what I am asking about. I think most of us would agree that those things have an objective existence. They have physical properties that are seemingly independent of the existence of human beings, and will retain at least some of those properties throughout time until something is done which separates some or all of those physical properties and turns them into something else.
Are there such things as moral properties that are akin to that? In which case those existed 300 years ago and will exist 50,000 years from now. Or are they relative to the time or culture or group of things (like humans). That is what I am asking about.