Birthday Party Suggestions--teenagers

Nice that any mention of teenage girls turns this thread into anarchy. What's with all the gift card ideas? Here is my failsafe trinity of great, usually inexpensive presents:

1. A framed picture. This is so easy it's ridiculous. If these girls are friends and all then they'll appreciate a good picture of the three of them in a nice frame. If they don't like the pic, hell they still have the frame and if they do like the pic it's a present that lasts a long time.

2. A book. Not a gift card for a book, but a book. Any one of those Phaidon Art books are a great bet (lots of pictures so it's not like you're giving a homework assignment for a present); of course, some girls do like to read so I imagine it's not hard to get a book they'll like. Aren't there some classics out there like Fight Club and Prozac Nation and all that? Go to Maple Street Books and browse. Also a great present because it's not really big and also has a lot of "staying" power.

3. Baked goods. This is a great present if you're broke but really want to give something special, because it's all about the love, right? Just pick three things from Better Homes & Gardens (don't go beyond your skill level, though) and spend an afternoon making it all. Then you wrap it up and give it to them. Now, for teenage girls maybe they don't exactly want food, but this is the trinity so there it is.

Good luck. This ain't rocket science, just a couple of teenage girls, right?