Communter Rail between NOLA and Baton Rouge

This is not forward thinking. It is half-a** patch to solve a temporary problem that will be too late for its purpose. Slow poking Amtrack trains taking 2 times the drive time to BR will just make it seem like all rail ventures here will fail, and will doom all other ideas. Forward thinking would be light rail specifically tailored for New Orleans needs, branching outward intelligently to New Orleans suburbs, not BR.

I agree too. That's what I'm talkin' about. Look at Germany's S-Bahn system.

You are right, don't let Amtrak anywhere near it. Hire ABB or Alstom.

Maybe less than a week of Iraq spending would git er goin. And it would be a visible benefit for the people who pay for it.

Check it out:

All the expertise exists already. It's just a matter of tapping into it.