Regarding Rumors and

i've been on this site for years(me and a friend shared a profile prior to this profile) and one time i had inside information which had to do with stokley and the fact that we weren't going to sign him because at the time he couldn't cut on one of his legs. this was info that came directly from stokley but 10 secs after i posted it, people were on me for posting trash. and while i do understand that this is done to keep out the shock post, it also has the potential to keep some good info from getting out. not all information in this world is first posted on the internet, and thus not all information can be backed up with a link. i know that i had inside info about faneca during free agency and i didnt even bother posting it b/c who wants to be berated for trying to be helpful. or maybe i should of just posted it on my myspace page and used that link as my source. anyway, i understand why things are the way they are so don't worry about reexplaining b/c i prob will forget to check back on this thread anyway. jus my 2c.