Lol had know idea about bullocks

then why can't he even catch a cold.

He can catch, that was proven against the Bears. I will give you this, he lets more get away than he gets but he does have some picks, he has better hands than Harper. Josh Bullocks knocks down catchable balls. This is what was in his scouting report coming out of Nebraska. And this is pretty much what he does. Intercepting balls would be better, but knocking down balls will get you off of the field also. Let's not turn this into another bashing Bullocks post. I am not ignorant to the fact that Jason David, Mike McKenzie, Porter, and Usama Young have the best hands on our team for DB's after these guys knocking down catchable balls is not such a bad thing.

The true point of what I was trying to say is that he was doing well for his first two years, then we acquired Dwight Smith and Bullocks appeared to have taken on more of a SS mind set after that, he simply makes similar mistakes that Jason David makes for example Jason David is always looking to jump the route so he is always looking in the backfield to read the QB's eyes, but our DL fails him and he gets burned deep. Now Josh Bullocks has a SS mentality in that either through coaching or through his own (May be a throw back for when our LB's were completely horrible) always goes for 8 in the box, he goes for 8 in the box for what appears for us as obvious passing downs and leaves his CB's stranded. When he does stay home sometimes he makes something happen, Interception, but more than likely he knocks down catchable balls. He could be coached out of this.

Do not get me wrong I am all for drafting a FS or acquiring one through free agency.

Cruiser K