Drew Brees and 4th quarter comebacks

a lot of people say Brees isnt very good at winning when behind in the 4th quarter but after watching highlight vids and games all season, its apparent that he is in fact a VERY good comeback QB. That is because our defense often puts him in the position of having to make up a deficit of 14+ pts in many games. Still, he manages to not only catch up, but in many cases SURPASS that and set the Saints up for a win. It is usually because of a last minute defensive breakdown that the Saints lose games this year. Very few games have been lost on an offensive scoring drive with the ball in Brees' hands. give Brees a defense that can make a stop when it counts and I guarantee at least 11 wins that year.
Its true that he sometimes tries to force plays and gets intercepted, the Bucs game was an example of offense giving the game away, but more often than not Brees gets us back in the game in a very big way only to be let down because the defense doesnt hold up on their end.

The Defense stinks but the O has dug itself many a hole by slow starts just like yesterday, I understand wanting something to cheer about-"the number 1 offense" but at times this offense has been downright offensive and far from unstoppable.