“There has never been an American army as violent and murderous as the one in Iraq”

An Abu Ghraib Offender Heads Back to Iraq

Yes Seymour Hersh "a Pulitzer Prize Winning" writer must be spewing his lies again...That's how he ends up on Meet the Press all the time with Tim Russert and with a Pulitzer cause he's aaaaaaaaaa... aaaa....wait....a LIARRRREEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRR.....NAH i don't think so homies....here....have some perspective

"As if the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal weren't bad enough for America's image in the Middle East, now it may appear to much of the world that one of the men implicated in the scandal is returning to the scene of the crime.

The U.S. military tells TIME that one of the soldiers convicted for his role in Abu Ghraib, having served his sentence, has just been sent back to serve in Iraq."
