“There has never been an American army as violent and murderous as the one in Iraq”

Do you agree with Hersh's comment about the military? The quote you cited from the Time article is from retired General Barry McCaffrey. It seems that you are using this article to defend Hersh. Do you know what Hersh wrote about McCaffrey?


Yeah...and so what...are you even reading and discerning what you're posting??...The things written about McCaffrey have a ring of truth and are coroberated by other soldiers but amount to a he said/she said and therefore without solid proof/evidence McCaffrey could not be therefore prosecuted...AND from that your surmising that the Seymour Hersh made everything up and usually does with most of his articles...Sorry but that's a very very weak arguement if any at all..you'll have to do better than that to get anyone to believe that Seymour Hersh is making up this fantasical goings on in Iraq and elswhere...maybe in the early days of Iraq you get away with that..but not anymore...moving on...