Is the Debold corporation at it again with election fruad?

>>They need to get rid of this electronic machine voting mess because they just aren't secure. Someone should call for the UN to come in and moniter our elections so it would embarrass the crap out of our leaders. And then maybe they would fix this mess!

There are about 4 companies nationally involved with this, many with ties to each other (supposed competitors) and many with ties to the White House and GOP politics. Ohio and New Mexico had inordinate and disparate amounts of votes "spoiled" (discarded) in predominantly Democratic strongholds. Anyone with a curious mind can do the research and spare the "get over it" canned reply. The amount of "spoiled" votes easily tripled the Bush victory in New Mexico (approximately 11k votes) and almost doubled the Bush victory in Ohio.

It's the game we play and the rules we're under. Perhaps had Diebold's CEO not uttered his famous line in 2004 (as Bush's Ohio field general) about giving the state to the president, it wouldn't be that big of a deal.
