Unemployment Rate Lowest in 5 1/2 Years [BUMPED UP FROM 2006]

No President deserves as much credit or blame as they get for the economy.

Our $trillion economy is not subject to micromanagement to anyone in the Oval office. It is a misperception.

Voters blame the President when things are going poorly. President's take credit when times are good, or at least not bad.

It should be neither.

I said the exact same thing during the Clinton-era economic boom, and I'll say it again today. Unemployment figures are more a result of the stock market and market dynamics (energy costs being chief amongst them) than the party affiliation, hands-on tinkerings, or economic philosophy of the prevailing occupant of the White House.

Having said that, it'll be interesting to watch how the media and the opposition party handle this news which - on the surface, at least - is good news for the current administration.