Jonathan Vilma Arrested - Confirmed

I almost hit someone before. Good thing almost doesn't count. In other words, its only news becuase he is an NFL player and isn't that big of a deal. I wouldn't let a cop arrest me or search me for that either, that cop would have to justify his reasons for giving me something other that a ticket for bad driving. The article says nothing of DUI.

The thing is, you WILL NOT win an argument with a cop. If he says get out of the car, that is exactly what you have to do or you will be arrested. If the cop is wrong, you hire an attorney and file charges. At the time of the traffic stop you really have no options. I am not saying the cop is correct but refusing an order from an officer in the conduct of his duties is never the answer. I hope Vilma is not in the wrong, but it sure doesnt sound good. I hope it works out for Vilma, he seems like a good person.