Only if he actually came close to hitting them. "Almost hitting" them could be from 20 feet away. It could be the pedestrian's fault for trying to cross at the wrong time (which happens quite often). It could be Vilma's iPod fell off the seat and he reached down for it and that caused it. We just don't know what they mean by almost.
But really, almost doing something just isn't a big deal because nothing actually happened. It would only be a big deal if he didn't almost do it.
What you said about resisting arrest ("man up and deal with the situation not make it worse") only applies if the cop was respectful and just doing his job and Vilma was being belligerent.
I usually don't have any issue with cops, but too many times I've read about cops either letting pro athletes off easy for major offenses or being too hard on them on minor offenses.