Jonathan Vilma Arrested - Confirmed

Almost is a big deal in many cases, this being one of them. For instance, the courts take "almost" killing someone pretty seriously, and they go to prison for it.

Not saying that applies to Vilma, but just because nothing came of it doesn't mean it's not a big deal.

Attempted murder is not the same as almost hitting someone in any way except someone didn't die. These comparisons are getting worse and worse. Attempted murder requires a pre-meditative act. For instance, just pointing a gun at someone is not attempted murder but firing the gun at someone is. I've almost been hit while crossing the street. It's definitely not a fun situation, but nothing actually happened to me. It's a nonevent.

The bigger issue IMO is why was Vilma even asked to step out of the vehicle? Even if the cop thought he may have been intoxicated, I don't believe the protocol is to force them out of the vehicle without first coming to the window and deciding to test the driver.