Jonathan Vilma Arrested - Confirmed

You forgot resisting arrest. That characterizes the whole incident right there.

Resisting arrest can mean a million different things as I'm sure Donte Stallworth could tell you. It's too easy to trump up that charge. If a cop tells you to hang up your cell an you don't, resisting arrest. Does that not seem odd to you? "Resisting arrest" should be a charge only when you...resist...arrest. Vilma wasn't being arrested at the time he was non-compliant. They should have 2 separate charges, one for those who fight an attempt of arrest and one for those who are non-compliant.

I'm not saying Vilma is innocent, but most of us on this board have done something just as bad if not worse than what he has. This is nothing to lose all respect for anyone over. I mean, who hasn't dropped their cell phone or iPod or or whatever under the seat and tried to pick it up while driving? Who hasn't weaved in and out of traffic in a hurry? Who hasn't run a red light?

The only problem with Vilma I have is his non-compliance with the cop because it's a lose-lose situation. Whether the cop is right or wrong, you can't win at that point because they are the law. But everything else I've seen people do 800 times on my way to work everyday.