Jonathan Vilma Arrested - Confirmed

Now, I am not saying that this is what happened. But imagine you're Vilma: young, rich and Black and you get pulled over for no apparent reason. You are feeling that in this day and age, the police have to have just cause to do something like this. Maybe he was outraged or maybe it was completely his fault. But what I am saying is that people have a tendency to pass judgement based upon their own experiences.

And with all of that, I would like to hear ALL of the details prior to passing any sort of character judgement on the guy, who so far by all accounts is a stand-up individual.

from the nola article on the arrest it says:

Police said Vilma had been in his Range Rover weaving through traffic, ran a red light and was arrested after an exchange with police and refusing to move away from his vehicle, the report said.

whether or not the report is accurate is another story but if true, along with other reports that he almost hit 2 people behind the wheel of his car, it definitely sounds like they had cause to pull him over if it is all true.