Jonathan Vilma Arrested - Confirmed

That's the problem: a lot of cops aren't upstanding citizens fighting the evil of the world. They're normal people who make the same stupid mistakes us non-cops do and they have bad days like everyone else. On the whole, most street cops are high school graduates at best and many of them have authority issues (as in, they like to exert theirs). The smarter ones move on to be detectives. Cops are also mostly good people, but that job also has a tendency to attract more scoundrels than a normal non-authoritative job due to the power it involves. It also doesn't take much to become a police officer.

For a prime example, look at the history of the Orleans Parish Police Force. I'm not saying everyone in the OPP, and I'm not saying all the time (so no one get your panties in a wad) are corrupt, but come on people! I spent 24 hours in lockup myself for running a stop sign (the reason they pulled me over) as I moved my car from in front of my house to park it around the corner (about 50 feet away - within visual distance). The interesting thing? THERE WAS NO STOP SIGN facing my direction - it was facing the cross street...which, interestingly enough, the police crusier promply ran. This is an "honest" mistake by the police? No. This is a holy-er than thou self mandate. It was one of the final straws that made me leave New Orleans.

It's similar to those who become actors. Most of them do so because they can't do anything else.
THIS I take offense to. We do it because we love the creative process. What you are describing is a freeloader. I'm not, nor have I ever been. Do you realize that the MAJORITY of actors make slave wages? And CHOOSE to do so, so they can continue doing something they love? You obviously don't know whereof you speak (about actors and the profession at least - you obviously understand the police!).