Jonathan Vilma Arrested - Confirmed

And why do they work for slave wages? Because they can't get a better job than that. I didn't say every actor, but the majority of them follow their dream because they can't do anything else. How is what I described a freeloader? A freeloader is someone who gets by on what others do. What I described is a group of people who choose a profession that they may or may not have passion or talent for, but they do it because all other viable options were gone. Why do you think so many actors are either dropouts or high school grads? Because they couldn't get into college. Obviously that's not EVERY case, but that is a vast majority. Why would a smart, levelheaded person go out to Hollywood to maybe someday have a possible chance at hopefully getting an acting job and live off very little money when they could go to college and get a well-paying job? Sure there are those who have a passion for it, but it's no different than a pro athlete. Most of us have passion for acting or sports because it's fun and easier than a real job. Put it this way, you don't see too many A- and B-students drop out of college to become actors. But you DO see a bunch of high school grads going out to become stars. If you're offended, sorry but it's the truth.

BTW, I don't have a problem with actors and I would've loved to drop out and follow that same dream, but I was smart enough to realize it's a one-in-a-million chance and it wasn't worth it if I didn't make it because I could go to college and do something else I loved. Most actors and athletes love ONLY that (acting or athletics) and can't do anything else.

You seriously have absolutely NO clue what you're talking about do you?