These "Vote Against Amend. 7" Commercials

As absurd as this may sound, I miss Louisiana politics sometimes. When you move away from Louisiana, every other states politics seems boring by comparison. Although Georgia did have former Rep Cynthia McKinney. She never failed to entertain and infuriate.

Now that I live in Atlanta I don't have my ear to the ground enough to know what going on in New Orleans and Louisiana as I like to. It doesn't sounds like not much has changed. It's a real shame too. I had hopes that Katrina would expose the people who have pillaged New Orleans and the state for so many generations for the scumbags that they are. But in typical Louisiana fashion, instead of fixing the problem by kicking their butts out of office, we re-elect them. Frankly I'm getting tired of defending Louisiana in some ways. Don't get me wrong. I love New Orleans and my home state, but we are a fat joke. America isn't going to continue to be so generous if New Orleans and the state doesn't get their act together. Louisiana needs to put people in office with some wherewithal and integrity. Will it ever happen? Not likely.