LSU VA hospital site


I was surprised to see this thread pop up again, and no one responding to it....I know it sucks to relocated people from their homes; however, that neighborhood needs a serious boost..It's nice to see some of the new structures going up on Tulane Ave, but that area close to Claiborne is a dump and needs a major project done for revitalization, and this is the thing...

Well I am a little biased being that I go to school here. I would love to stay in New orleans after I graduate, and a New hospital would definitely be enticing. Mid City needs some growth and I agree the new hospital would help a great deal.

I would love to know the number of people living on the land of the proposed site and also the state of these historic properties the preservationist are talking about. I want to also know what are their plans with this piece of land if they are willing to go so far as to stop this incredible project. If they are going to keep it as is, I don't understand the point.

Honestly, alot of very intelligent Louisiana raised and educated graduates would be much more inclined to stay if this hospital were built. Because I go to school here, we periodically get updates on the new hospital and it is going to be absolutely state of the art and could probably be one of the most top of the line facilities in the world. In addition it will bring in a very economically stable biomedical field to the New Orleans economy. I'm hoping it works out.