Moroccan wins holocaust cartoon contest

Are you Jewish?

Why do you ask? Did a lot of American jews get all wound up over this idiotic cartoon contest and stage marches and riots around the country that I missed?

The point of my post is that when some Danish cartoonist made a cartoon which was in poor taste and insulte some muslims, there was a ridiculous over reaction in parts of the muslim world. People actually died in riots around the world proptesting the cartoons.

So Iran counters by having a contest making light of the holocaust to "test" the tolerance of the west to cartoons in poor taste. So far as I know the "west' paid little attention to this moronic contest.

So what does me being Jewish or not have to do with anything? I think most rational people, jewish or not, are offended by the cartoon. I think most rational people, jews included, arent going to go riot because some idiot drew a tasteless cartoon.