Do you have a dislike for elitist type people

In everyday life, I like it when people are themselves. In politics, however, I prefer Elitists. Bill Maher said it best(and I'm paraphrasing): "Step back from that word- Elitist. What does it mean? It means this person is "Elite." He's better than me, he's smarter than me. Yeah, I think I'll vote for that guy because I know I could never run a country." I agree with that; I don't want someone who's "relatable." I want someone who is Elite in their knowledge, education and skills... Just my opinion.

That's just the thing though, El Lay. There is, IMO, a marked difference between those who act elitist and those who actually are elite .

Kerry = acts elitist
Kissinger = is elite

I wouldn't have to dedicate more than a millisecond of thought in having to choose between which of these two figures I would have lead my country in a time of national crisis.

Also, take a look at both Kerry and Bush. Both are Ivy League educated. Both were legacy admissions into Yale. One is a better speaker; the other is better equipped at selling himself to the public. Since our elections are basically popularity contests judged by the voting public - and not debates judged by appointed judges - the better speaker lost.