Do you have a dislike for elitist type people

I realize you weren't referring specifically to Kerry, but I used him - in the two examples I provided - because his name has been <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='<a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='front page'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">front page</a>'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">front page</a> fodder as of late, specifically due to his elitist slip last week. Kerry pretty much epitomizes the detachment from middle America with which the modern Democrat party is faced -- the same detachment which has cost them the last two presidential elections.

The odd thing about it is that Kerry's IQ is reported to be only 120, per military admissions testing. ( Not that 120 is poor, per se. But it is certainly nowhere near what many in the public might have surmised, given the preening way in which he carries himself.

An odd thing to note here is that published Yale academic records of both GWB and Kerry show their GPAs to be virtually identical. (see same article as above) And Bush's IQ is reportedly higher than Kerry's.

For Kerry to continue his arrogant posturing in the face of this borders on complete and utter folly. One would think a little humility might make him much more appealing as a candidate for president. Apparently he's not smart enough to figure that out for himself.

...I find it pretty telling that you choose to talk about his GPA, arrogant posturing, etc., but you ignored what I brought up about him being a proud Vietnam veteran with commendations and medals to prove it while Bush, to put it politely, is not..... Don't you think that one fact overrides any possible talk about IQ or college records?? Please take this in the spirit of discussion, HH- not trying to be argumentative.......