Kidney Stones

Only suggestion on passing the stones is to drink lots and lots of cranberry juice. It helps.

I had 12 stones in 7 years, IIRC. Anyway it was a bunch. After several visits to several urologists, I found one who did a test, the name of which now escapes me. But it required a urinalysis test based on a weekends worth of output. From that test, he was able to give me a list of foods to avoid.

No other doctor did anything except guess at what to avoid.

What I found was that not all stones are calcium based. I was told to avoid tea, green beans, nuts and a variety of other foods (including beer). It did the trick along with taking cranberry tablets daily. Over 2 decades later, I have not had another stone. Like throwing a light switch.

The problem I ran into was that until this doctor, all the other urologists just wanted to treat the stone, not teach me how to avoid it. This doctor told me that this attitude was common and that each person is different on why their stones form. Only testing can tell you what foods YOU must avoid.

Good luck. Nothing is worse than kidney stones.