Similar story to Matthews except this guy actually started the whole year and was MUCH more productive. He's also faster. If you're gonna take a shot on a project who has flashed some serious potential I think you gotta go with Barwin over Matthews.
I just can't see Matthews being great (or Cushing for that matter). Barwin could be great. With the 14th pick, I think you swing for the fences. You can get average to solid starters elsewhere but great players percentage wise come within the 1st round of the draft. Urlacher was a huge risk pick at the time but the bears would be a bad team without him. Anyway, its LB not QB if you miss then it doesn't really hurt you much. But if you hit it out of the park then you can change the whole way your defense performs. How much potentially better than our current OLB's are Matthews and Cushing. Just saying.