OLB CONNOR BARWIN: the next Urlacher?? better than curry???!!!!

cushing reportedly moved the best dropping into coverage at the senior bowl of all the linebackers in attendance at the senior bowl.

when i watch tape of cushing i cant help but notice that he is not the wrap-tackler that james laurinitis is or aaron curry is for that matter either.

either way, last year was this kid's first year on D and look at the stats he posted.

compare that to cushing and matthews stats and the fact that they both tested positive for steroids.

First, I agree with you, I think Barwin has the potential to be better than Cushing and Matthews. Right now they have more momentum, so they are rated higher and will go a round before Barwin, but that doesn't necessarily make them better.

Second, it is not a "fact" that they tested positive for steriods. Yet. A blog site reported that they heard it and several other sites repeated their claim. No one has confirmed it outside, only repeated that there are "reports" of such a positive result. One site has since taken DOWN that webpage, which makes you wonder if it's true.



BTW, the bleacherreports article has been deleted and the major sports sites are mum.... do we have a possible libel suit in the making?
