If you listen to truck man or realchrism, OLB is not a need at all. The Saints are happy with who they have right now. And with Matthews and Cushing possibly testing positive for steroids, I think you can lower that possibility of drafting an OLB in the 1st round from almost none to less than none.
And FS has been addressed with the Darren Sharper signing. He's just a stopgap but yeah if worst comes to worst and Jenkins isn't on the board, we have the position covered. I think the front office did a great job of covering all of their bases in FA. The Beanie thing is becoming more and more likely every day, and it would be a good pickup for us, when you consider everything I just talked about above.
Why are people (not you) saying that we should trade down as if it will definitely happen? It's not something that we can control so why even get your hopes up about it?? Some team would have to want to trade up into our crappy value spot, and with this Cutler trade going down I thin that likelyhood just plummeted.