N/S Cutler trade to Bears (mega merge)
That trade is a joke. It begs the question: How tall was that glass of stupid the Broncos were drinking to make the Bears look so smart? You give away a Pro Bowl QB who led the 2nd ranked offense in the entire league? And for what... coveting Matt "flash in the pan" Cassel? and just to add another layer of rampant stupidity - their defense was ranked 29th! Talk about chopping off your one good leg...
This is one of the dumbest trades I've ever seen - I am not exaggerating. As much as they want to claim they got some great draft picks out of the deal, I wouldn't trust the Bronco FO to draft for a tee-ball league. If I was a Denver fan, I'd be absolutely livid. And the sprinkles on the doughnut- the Bears ... the friggin BEARS are the beneficiary of it all.
This isn't some modern day Herschel Walker trade. Not at all. It's a bunch of morons getting paid way too much money just to ruin an NFL franchise. Somehow, someway, Matt Millen is behind this. I'm sure of it.