Triplett says Saints Interest in Chris "Beanie" Wells is "Bona Fide"

Everyone can debate back and forth till we each are blue in the face. If the Saints feel that Wells is the guy they need and he is there, they will take him. If they do not feel that he is the guy they need, they will not take him. Simple is that. Of course, you can question their decision one way or the other depending on if you are on the draft Wells bandwagon or pass on Wells bandwagon. Nevertheless, our debates won't change who they choose to select. It won't matter what Pierre did or is capable of doing if they feel differently about what his ultimate role should be and take Wells. It won't matter if Wells can become an elite back in the league if they feel that Pierre and Reggie are capable of getting the job done and choose to solely focus on defense in the first round. The Saints have a plan and they will execute that plan as they see fit. And then we each will be left with a choice to grumble but continue to support the team or grumble and move on.