N/S Cutler trade to Bears (mega merge)

He reminds me a little of Brett Favre. He is a gunslinger and i do not see how he fits into the Marty ball style the Bears play. I predict a very lopsided TD and INT ratio.
Actually....The Bears don't play "Marty Ball". Ron Turner is their OC. He isn't the "traditional" West-Coast OC many make him out to be. Turner LOVES to put the ball in the air. Some would say too much. When Grossman was having his "mental" meltdowns Turner refused to ease him along. He was enamored like many in Chicago with Grossman's arm strength. Grossman however did not have the heart or brains to match his arm. This is Turner's 2nd stint as Chicago's OC. In 1995 the Bears were 4th in the league in passing, many don't realize this. Their leading rusher that year was the great Rasaan Saalam. :smilielol: The Bears will be MUCH more wide open then they were with Orton. Turner knew he was limited in what he could do with Orton. His play calling showed this. If you are expecting Marty ball when we play them you will be disappointed.