Triplett says Saints Interest in Chris "Beanie" Wells is "Bona Fide"

You did not address the question. How will Beanie Wells help the defense give up fewer points in the second quarter?

Can we improve our time of possession by 1 to 2 minutes by running Wells? Do we not panic if a teams goes up on us in the second quarter and run him anyway because he is such a gamer?

You said yourself that Wells will improve the defense. I just want to know if he can keep the points down.

I did not address the question because I have done so time and time again SINCE JANUARY when I first mentioned the possibility. At this point, there is nothing left to be said. Not trying to be rude or anything but you can perform a search. To me, the Wells debate is old and tiring. I think both sides have funded their contentions to fullest point of exhaustion. We get these threads each day and at some point, all you're really getting is a rehash of the same arguments we have seen the past few months.

The Saints will either take Wells or they won't, bottom line. The fact that he's a consideration at this point says that they do not fully agree with the arguments being made by those who do not want to see Wells chosen. Even if you want to see defense, you have to open yourself up to the possibility that it could be Wells. That has been my central thesis. While I am a draft Wells if Jenkins is not there advocate, I do recognize that they could just as easily opt for a DE. However, if they pick Wells, then the anti-Wells crowd will have to live with it. If they pick defense, I would imagine that most of the individuals on the Wells bandwagon will live with it because most proponents of drafting Wells are not anti-defense the way that the majority of the draft defense-only adherents are anti-Wells.