Triplett says Saints Interest in Chris "Beanie" Wells is "Bona Fide"

You're absolutely right. The ebb and flow goes like this:

for: we should draft Beanie because [reason A]
against: [reason A] is founded on questionable logic.
for: [offers no counter, moves to reason B]
against: Let's look at [reason B] in depth.
for: [offers no counter except for a highlight video] maybe this will change your mind
(someone who has not participated in the debate): after watching that, let's draft him! yes! please!
against: Dude, really? A highlight video? Haven't we discussed 50 million times why you can't fairly judge a player based on a highlight video??!?!
for: you just don't want him, that's all.
against: I'd be for him if our offense wasn't already potent. most of its problems are fixable from within. I just don't think this is the year to burn our only day 1 pick on offense.
for: beanie's a bruiser!
against: no, he's just big. he actually runs like a small back.
for: stiffarm! 235 pounds! 4.3 40!
against: he still runs like a smaller back. even OSU fans say as much. And he actually ran near a 4.4.
for: but he's 235 pounds. he can come in on third-and-1 and get the first.
against: that's not a 100% guarantee; he's a 235-pound guy who runs soft!!!
(then all the side discussions take place...)

Yes, I am quite sure that's exactly what I have done the last few months--offer faulty logic that is only faulty in the mind of those who are against the choice of Wells and then buttress those arguments with highlight videos of Chris Wells. In fact, I have not written any single logical argument in defense of drafting Wells; instead, I use videos to explain why he would be a great pick if the team chose to go in that direction. As a matter of fact, I am looking for a new video right now just to continue to make the case for Wells. By the way, Danchrism, your insight is so deeply appreciated. I always look for your posts because I know that I will be left in awe of your sound football acumen; you, my friend, truly get it. I am quite sure it is your deepening insight that made you such an exceptional student at Morehouse. :9: Oh, I might want to tread lightly since you're a moderator NOW. :covermyeyes: :1zhelp: