My assessment of the saints offseason so far

now I have heard everything... CBs are not supposed jump routes ??? :fou: The safety is there so CBs CAN jump routes .. it all depends what type of coverage scheme the secondary calls... the job of the safety is to " not let ANY offensive player get between him and the goal line" that is football 101...the safety is NOT the gambler...he is .. the last line of defense..

Thanks, I've been wrong many times before.

We don't can CBs for not getting enough interceptions, we can them because they let the receivers catch it too many times.

We can Safety men for not getting the big turnover, which we and other teams rely on the Safeties to do.

Many times when MM jumped the route he got nailed by the wide open receiver.

I'll also mention that I didn't say either position should jump the route.

The Safety can look at the field, the CB has to keep his eyes on the receiver.

I guess now you've heard more than everything.
