Artists it's okay to hate

First, I can tell the difference, I just do not care because it is a mute point. Look let me simplify what I am saying because we are talking about 2 different things.
Common made 3 legit albums. The only 1 i would consider semi-classic is his 3rd "one day it will all make sense" from 97. He then took the underground hip hop of the 90s that I hold very close to my heart and prostituted it by watering down everything and mass marketing "underground hip hop" for the pseudo fans of "cool" rap. Not only did he do that but he made an actual single about coca-cola(with christina aguilera) that they tried to release on the radio. An actual song, by him, about coca cola. He crossed a line. Big time. So posting his lyrics is useless if you are trying to make a point to me directly. Point: It is ok to hate Common if you are a true hip hop fan because he sold out in the biggest way we have ever seen. I could explain each one of the bands I posted in such a way but I am too lazy and you don't seem to get the bigger picture. It doesn't matter if Nickleback has more stupid lyrics to me. They are both crap. Crap is crap(my opinion). I think it is ok to hate the bands I posted. I have my own reasons. All of your defenses seem to be reaching for some universal astetic that I think is irrelavant. There is no universal astetic. There are only subjective opinions. I know some really good people who like really crappy music. What does that mean? Nothing. Some people like crappy music because it is crappy. Again, it means nothing.
You could quote the Oscar naminated "Doubt" if you want, I still like Evil Dead 2 better. Get it? The elevated platform of "high culture" you are using to compare the different bands does not exist in my world.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying light and frivolous music as opposed to "high culture" music. there is plenty of good honest music out there that is fun and not high minded at all. everyone is entitled to their subjective opinions and while much of it is relative, i feel like on a basic level there is some kind of recognizable universal aesthetic... for example if i scribble on a piece of paper and you hold that up next to a van gogh drawing, one of them can be recognized as higher quality. perhaps im not a fan of shakespeare and i dont care for any of his works. but i can still recognize craftsmanship, even when it is not suitable to my taste. thats the difference im getting at. Iron and wine recorded w/o editing on an 8 track, made some uniquely creative songs performed with organic style and good musicianship. When that much effort and attention are put into creating the music, its not deserving of hate.

its fair to criticize Common for selling out, though im not sure if he did it any worse than other successful rap artists. I think his music compares favorably to the rest of main stream hip hop. And while im not a big fan of Arcade Fire, i can appreciate that they are at least making real music, interacting with their instruments and putting forward something with value. the stuff that i consider worthy of hate is the over-processed, homogenized music with no original character. Apparently people liked the show According to Jim better than Arrested Development, and while artistic value judgements are of course subjective i dont feel its out of line to say that one of those programs is of higher quality than the other, and one of those programs deserves to be hated on more than the other.