Bear Fan says dont sleep on Bear offense.

I see the Saints winning this game 31 to 13! I just think that right now no one runs the ball like the saints the last 2 meaningful games, the saints run the ball over 200 yds on both occasions.....we beat the Giants when the wind was a factor up in NY by running the ball, and both Reggie and Deuce had over 100 yds....and we beat the Eagles last week by running again over 200 yds!

I say this, cause I am convinced that the Bears D is not better than the Giants or Philly's D, both playoff I think our running game will be the difference. Now if the weather cooperates we might see this game get out of hand quickly, especially if Brees has a good day, but even if the weather is not good, we should win this game.

Right now I see 3 deficiencies in this Bears team: 1) Grossman 2) No M Brown 3) No T Harris. these are 3 huge problems when facing the Saints!