Piscataway's Malcolm Jenkins 'ready to play' for New Orleans Saints

By Jenny Vrentas / The Star Ledger

Two hundred of Malcolm Jenkins' family, friends and former coaches, from states as far as California and Minnesota, began to arrive at the New Brunswick Hyatt at 1 p.m. Saturday. Four-and-a-half hours later, the Piscataway grad and former Ohio State cornerback received the call they were all anticipating: the New Orleans Saints would be taking him with the No. 14 pick of the NFL Draft.

"They called me at about pick No. 12, and told me," Jenkins said later in the evening, with his family members excitedly chattering in the background. "Now I'm just getting ready to play."

ESPN had a camera crew at Jenkins' draft party, a celebration his parents dubbed "The Big Game." In a hotel conference room decorated in scarlet and gray, with a goalpost made out of balloons, they had laid out a four-quarter agenda, featuring Pop Warner highlights, favorite memories from his two younger brothers and, of course, the Draft broadcast on a theater-size screen.

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