Everything looks great, of course you can't please everyone because they don't like change.
This change actually looks like it was for the better, the server is dramatically faster, but the real test will be sunday when traffic picks up, so far it's moving faster than i would have thought it would with so much being rendered on a fresh server so fast..
Anyway here we go with the tweaks..
At the bottom of each thread is " Previous Thread : Next Thread "
the font needs to be changed to something lighter as the black font is matching the black background.
Next is on the main boards right under the gold graphic where the "new thread" button is sitting on top of it, has forum tools and search this forum.
There's a black graphic with text in it " Rating Thread / Thread Starter Last Post Replies Views
" These are all black and are hidden in the background, should be changed to a lighter color..
Next tweak "not very important for regulars" but for anyone thats new it would help for the top buttons that are Acronymed "SSF" "EE" "FF" "TECH" to have an "Alt Text" for them so when you move your mouse over them the full name of that button is discribed..
Other than that, the board is sleek, fast and to the point as i love boards, and i like the new of addition of the Reputation points i also like that the board has no Flash animations on it to bog the server down, so this helps you Webmasters out a tad of having to disable that image everytime the server slows down, i have a feeling that one thing helped contribute to the board slow rendering at peek times.
Nice Job Webmasters. Everything looks great and is very fast..