Bear Fan says dont sleep on Bear offense.

Sometimes I wonder about you guys.

I've no idea how anybody is able to predict a blow out or a close game, a win or a loss. Do you pay attention to the games as they happen, or do you just listen to the hype afterwards? Most of these games are determined by a handful of plays, and yet we have no problem throwing out superlatives like best, worst, dominated, miserable, and most physical.

Look at the game against the Eagles. IMO, we were the better and more consistent team and we still almost lost. If we don't give up two 50+ yard plays... If we make those interceptions at the beginning of the game that bounced off of Bullocks' hands... If we don't make key stops on 2nd and 3rd and 1 inside our 5... If Colston holds on to the hail mary for another two seconds... If their guard doesn't flinch half a second before the snap goes off on 4th and 10...

We could go on and on... If we don't throw two picks in the end zone against Cincy... If we don't have fumble at the end against Pittsburgh... If we don't do that onsides kick against Dallas.

If Troy Brown doesn't cause that fumble on 4th down for the Pats, everyone is talking about Tom Brady's terrible game. Nobody is wondering about Schottenheimer's playoff coaching abilities. Chargers are likely the clear favorites to win the SuperBowl.

The point is this: these teams are too close to be making conclusions about this game until it's over. Right now it's all mindless speculation. If you turn out to be right, you're more likely to be lucky than good, as this game too will turn on a handful of plays.