Thoughts following Game Replay

Quick Thoughts:

Reggie: Earlier in the season, I felt that Reggie was lined up too close to the QB & LOS while in the I formation. This stood out to me again against Philly. On several running plays Bush was lined up approx 4 - 4.5 yards behind Brees. In my opinion, he should be a bit deeper to allow him the opportunity to utilize his speed and momentum in getting to the line. In addition, this would allow him to scan the defense easier due to increased vision of holes, cutback lanes etc. On some plays, after taking the direct hand-off, Bush appeared be at the line too quickly, forcing him to slow down without quickly hitting a hole. In reviewing formations in which L.T is utilized, I see that he is nearly 7 yards from the Rivers and is then able to execute the toss sweep or traps to perfection. Also, take a look at old films of Dorsett and O.J and see how deep these tailbacks were lined up.

Before proceeding, I must say that these are just observations. Payton is the Coach of the year for a reason and am not implying that he lacks knowledge or good judgement regarding offensive formations.

Copper: Although he only had one catch, I can certainly see why Payton loves having him in the gameplan. In addition to the obvious (Bush fumble recovery), Copper did and OUTSTANDING job blocking downfield. Take another look at the Deuce TD off of the screen. Copper completely blanketed the corner and had him stuffed in the endzone, allowing the score. Copper hustles and always appears to be in the right place.

Blitzing: Watching the game the 2nd go around, I found that we blitzed much more than I had initially thought. Credit Garcia with outstanding movement in the pocket by shaking away from W. Smith, Fujita and Shanle (twice) to make plays and avoid sacks. I was encouraged by this as I do not feel that Grossman is nearly as mobile and decisive as Garcia. Grossman, as we know, is dangerous when given time. He is; however, very skittish under pressure. No doubt Gibbs is aware of this.

Deuce: As we all know Deuce had an outstanding game. In my opinion, that was the best that he has looked in 3 years. Sometimes during the season Deuce appeared a bit tentative as he hit the hole, taking short choppy steps as opposed to exploding. Against Philly, he was feeling it, and exploding through the holes and top speed. Call it confidence, increased health, vision, etc, but he just looked natural on Sunday.

Horn: I truly hope that Horn returns Sunday. The last few weeks it appears to me that Brees has been holding on the ball a bit longer than earlier in the season. This is where I think the absence of Horn is affecting us. Horn is a savy veteran who has a knack for finding holes in zones and getting open. The youngsters (Devery and Copper) have not yet developed this and therefore, this may cause Brees to hold the ball a bit longer than he wants.