Peter King's Top 5 Michael Vick destinations (guess who is #1)

Okay, I've typed responses to this in other threads, but didn't submit them. Now this article comes out and it exactly what I was thinking so I'll comment this time.

When this Vick stuff first broke, I was very much against Vick. With that being said, he has served his time and paid his debt. I do not think that the NFL should impose any more suspension on Vick, b/c if I recall correctly when this happened he was suspended indef from the league, well now he's out of prison so that indef suspension needs to have a date set for his return which should be the beginning of this season. I'm not going to get into what he did because people have different views on this and I am willing to put money on is that there are some people on this site that have bet on, raised or fought dogs themselves and if not dogs chickens. There are also players in the league that have killed human beings (Leonard Little and Donte Stallworth) and there are others that were suspected to have involvement in others (Ray Lewis). So he has paid his debt, if he uses his name and fame to speak out against animal cruelty and does good in society now then he should be forgiven and allowed to pursue his career.

Why he makes sense for us? Okay, he was a QB before he went to jail, not necessarily a great QB, but a dynamic playmaker that played QB. He wants to come back to play the same position, but he's been away too long to step right back in. We have a QB mastermind in SP, someone who turned Romo into a decent QB and that says a lot. He also has taken in a broken down Joey Harrington and revived his career as Drew's backup. That is where Vick comes in, as the 3rd QB. Drew's job is safe this is not even part of the discussion, bringing Vick is would be to add another element to the offense. SP and Drew can work with Vick on his QB skills to get him back to being NFL ready and even improve on what he was before while he can be used in special situations to create mismatches, run the wildcat and gadget plays. He can also be used to run the Wildcat for the defense to see so that when we face a team that runs the Wildcat we'd be prepared. Vick has something to prove as did Drew when he came here, different situations, but both were wrote off. Drew by the Chargers and Vick by everyone. I think we give him that opportunity. We are built to win and IMO, this is one chance we should take to maybe put us over the top. BTW, for those of you worried about taking the ball out of Drew's hand for a few plays per game, that's not that big of a deal.

I am actually hoping that we are the team that he goes to now.