Religious persecution, or overbearing regulations?

Maybe it was just a neighbor who called the complaint in, simply because they were tired of having all parking areas overrun by non-residents?

The issue is parking.....NOT the reason they are attending the house (function)

But heaven forbid we let facts get in the way of a red-blooded christian-persecution hysteria fest

Ah, the american christian....a legacy of minority status and history of discrimination....queue the Ray Boltz music....

Yeah, I'm well know for my wild eyed, Christian Fundamentalist stance on things. I'm probably letting my devotion to Christianity cloud my judgment and of course I have a Christian persecution complex.

Or maybe, just maybe, I'm an atheist who happens to think that rights like freedom of assembly and even freedom of religion are important. And, I can see past the biased reporting to the issues that are actually present without making a judgment with the lack of facts and while not ignoring the actual Constitutional issues involved while making sure to stereotype everyone that disagrees with me as a right wing, Christian nut job that is getting :christianmad: at the prompting of Fox News.