See? Liberalism IS a mental disorder....

It's true though. Some people from the left marginalize conservatives and their ideas by attempting to link them to Hitler, racists or other such nonsense. Then righties try to slam any kind of liberal idea as a mental disorder or a way to get the government to control every facet of someone's life.

It's just silly. Debate ideas and policies from a logical POV. I recently watched a great debate on YouTube between Noam Chomsky and William F. Buckley. What's striking about the debate, filmed during the 60's, is how civil, and respectful, these men were even though they're completely different ideologically. They didn't sit there and call each other names for an hour, which is what happens nowadays.

The problem is that we have two countries now. There is the Republican USA and the Democrat USA. We like the fight more than we like either of these countries, and we damn sure like it more than abandoning either side and remembering that we are one country. We enjoy hating the other side. We relish it. It is the new national passtime.

How is it that around here I would likely be labeled a liberal, but my old college friends sometimes refer to me as the "token fascist?" It's because we have reached the point in our so-called debating in which you aren't allowed to have a moderate view or have some more liberal views and some more conservative views. You have to be one or the other because it's time to duke it out. The fact of the matter is, we like being polarized. We like it that our neighbor across the street with the Obama sign or our coworker with the McCain bumper sticker can be our enemy. It's fun! And we can never expect better of our politicians as long as we think this is fun. After all, this is a representative republic. Our officials are truly the face of the electorate.